Sunday, April 29, 2012

Final Project Cover page

Leon Johnson

English 1200-79

Final Project Cover Letter

28 April 2012

Cover Letter

            I chose to revise project one for my final. I wrote project one on whether people should sign a prenuptial agreement. Some of the changes I made in this paper is adding in-text citations and elaborating more. I tried to add at least one in-text citation to each paragraph since I lacked it the first time. I added some in-text citations to the second paragraph because it was not common knowledge. The sentences, such as “With about one in three of all first marriages ending in divorce, and fifty percent of second or third ones hitting the skids, a prenup is smart financial planning, legal and financial experts say” are some facts I learned from collecting research.

            Another thing that I changed about my project is elaborating more. I realized that some of my paragraphs did not make sense because they were short and simple. I tried to add a few more sentences and examples to make them more effective. I added a little more information to some paragraphs to help them flow better with the next paragraph.

            This semester I learned about rebuttal. I did not know about rebuttal until this semester. Since we went over about rebuttal after this paper, I tried to use it to revise this paper. Rebuttal has helped me become a better writer, because I know how to argue the other side now. I also learned to not wait to the last minute to do my papers and work. College has taught me to get started on work as soon as you get it, or it will be tough to handle if you wait to the last minute.

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